Julia Fidder is a writer and curator based in Helsinki. She works both as an independent curator and writer and as an institutional curator connected to artist-led organization SEA Foundation and the non-space Text My Sister, to which she is co-founder together with Michaela Davidova. She graduated from the Master programme in Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art at Aalto University. Within her practice she focuses on themes regarding grief, rituals, (institutional) healing and collective structures of living and working together.
She is currently running the Dear Society, a bimonthly grieving circle dedicated to creating an ongoing space for grief and grievers in today's world. Every two months the public is invited to come together to practice or witness grief and to touch into their feelings of loss which can come in any shape or form. This expanded understanding of grief is something that is the starting point of the discussion that is central to the Dear Society,. Through screenings, lectures, performances and other events the audience is softly asked, challenged or invited to think or discuss grief both on a personal and societal level. 

Fidder has worked for several art institutions including Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma (Helsinki, Finland), De Kunstmeisjes (The Netherlands), Helsinki Biennial 2023 and MU Hybrid Art House (Eindhoven, The Netherlands).
contact: juliafidder@gmail.com
photo by Lennart Creutzburg